Jenny Nicole

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Getting Ready for Takeoff - 2 days

T ttt t tw two twooooo days????  Where has the time gone?  It feels like just yesterday I made the decision to return to Italy.  Yet on further reflection there has been much hard work since then, covered by the Lord's grace and blessings and encouragement from those around me.  Reaching this point has many emotions attached to it.  When I think of two days from now, I get so excited.  It feels unreal, and probably will even after I land.  Italy kinda does that to you.  I feel pretty peaceful about the whole thing, although my heart starts running laps around my rib cage when I think of all that is to come. 

I have had a really good 3 weeks (mostly) off to prepare all the last minute details and get organized, with time to spare to soak up Traverse City beauty, summer, and family and friends.  Fun things like budgets, insurance forms, and more paperwork have been submitted and now I just hope I'm not forgetting anything!  And packing, of course. 

This morning I was reading from this really great book, "Knowing God" by J.I. Packer, (highly recommendable) and was struck by this quote speaking of the adequacy of God as our sovereign protector:

A sovereign protector I have,

Unseen, yet for ever at hand;

Unchangeably faithful to save,

Almighty to rule and command.

He smiles, and my comforts abound;

His grace as the dew shall descend,

And walls of salvation surround

The souls He delights to defend.

- Augustus Toplady

That isn't even the whole thing, but to me it is an unspeakably beautiful reminder of the sufficiency and adequacy of God.  Every time I have a qualm or fear that begins to nag at my brain, I bring these words to mind and think of Romans 8.  If God is for us, who can be against us?  Who is greater than our God?

As I prepare to takeoff I can't leave without giving my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who has prayed for me and continue to pray for me, given financially, or even just taken a moment to talk to me.  Each gesture means so much to me, I couldn't do this without you. 

Here are some ways you can pray over the next few days:

  1. For my family and me, it is so hard to say goodbye!

  2. That I won't forget anything. And maybe that some last minute items will magically be weightless so my baggage doesn't go past the weight limit. :)

  3. For safe and smooth travels, from Traverse City-Chicago-London-Milan by plane and Milan-Florence by bus and train.

  4. That I would be equipped with everything I need going over, mentally and spiritually!

  5. For the remaining support to come in. I'm thankful to be at 61% as of May 31, but that also means there is still a gap to be filled. If you are planning to give or would consider becoming a part of my support team, it's never too late! Grazie.

I think that's all for now, catch ya on the other side! A presto, a dopo, e arrivaderci.

Che Dio vi benedica. (May God bless you)