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November Newsletter: Homecoming!

Photo credit to Practical

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mosaico Church, my church family in Italy. Celebrating the 3rd Anniversary!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, good time with family, and lots of delicious food to eat.  Christmas music has now been unleashed full force, and I hope we are all able to head into this season with joy in our hearts, thankfulness, and eager expectation to again remember the birth of our King, Christ Jesus.  

Gallery 4 Italy Ceasing Operations

Russian Academy of Art Bible study we host in our home!

In early November we received the news that the founder of Gallery 4 has chosen to suspend operations in Italy.  With the extreme difficulty in finding a space for the gallery we knew something needed to be done, but the news still came as a shock.  Although it is easy to look at the situation with disappointment and sadness, we trust that the Lord will have used our time here for the good of His kingdom and advancement of the Gospel, and will continue to use it in ways we may never fully realize.  Even though the original vision was not fully accomplished, we were still able to minister to people, host Bible studies, give out Bibles, and talk about Jesus with many.

I will forever see art in a new way thanks to art classes and all my cool artist friends.

Coming Home

In light of these recent events, I will be coming home from the mission field on December 5.  It truly grieves me to leave Florence, it is a magical city and I will greatly miss the friends and people I met here.  However, I am overjoyed to be able to be home for Christmas with family, friends, and church family, as I was not originally expecting to be able to do so.


Firenze is extra magical around Christmas time

Coming Weeks

The next few weeks will be spent getting my affairs in order, spending time with friends, and getting ready to come home.  I am so thankful for the time I was here and I would like to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for supporting, praying, and encouraging me in this venture.  To God be the glory!

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise! For all the friends here that makes it so hard to leave. Although it is sad, I consider it a very great thing indeed to have such friends that makes saying goodbye so hard.

  • Praise! Being able to be home with family, friends, and church family for Christmas.

  • Prayer: For my remaining time here to be meaningful and for the glory of God.

  • Prayer: For the people here, whether friends or strangers, to continue to be exposed to the Gospel.

  • Prayer: For a smooth transition, closure, and safe trip home.

Grazie a tutti!!!